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  • Nephrotic Syndrome

    Ms. Joyce Tejares, 41 years old, married, from Payatan, Goa, Camarines Sur, a sari-sari store owner, developed continuous high grade fever of 40oC on November 3, 2011 that lasted for a week. This was accompanied by severe headache, body weakness and bilateral lumbar pains. After a week, she noted edema on her feet and began to feel slight difficulty in breathing. Three days later, she noted that her edema progressed affecting her face. This was accompanied by severe difficulty of breathing so she went to see her mother since she felt that she was dying. Upon arrival at her mother’s residence, she collapsed right at the door because of extreme exhaustion. Her mother was shocked to see her and panicked of what had happened to her. Her mother immediately thought of MRI-Concentrated Mineral Drops and gave her one glass of “mineralized” water (potable water with MRI-CMD).

    Two weeks prior to Joyce’s illness, her mother attended a health symposium conducted by the Naga City MRI-CMD Stockist Center and the attendees were given sample drops of MRI-CMD. Joyce’s mother received 20 drops of MRI-CMD that was mixed into a liter of potable water. She drank a glass of it and reserved the remaining volume for future use. Luckily, Joyce was the beneficiary of the remaining volume.

    Upon Joyce’s intake of one glass of the “mineralized” water, her difficulty in breathing abated and she felt that she was regaining her strength. Her mother insisted that she be rushed to the hospital but Joyce hesitated and just requested that she be given more “mineralized” water. So her mother gave the remaining volume she had.

    Two days later, Joyce’s mother convinced Joyce to attend the Health Seminar and free clinic at Lagonoy, Camarines Sur. When seen by Dr. Paragas, she complained of difficulty in urination, difficulty in breathing, generalized body pains and weakness. She was noted to be pale, weak, mildly panting for breath, hypertensive and edematous. It was here that Dr. Paragas evaluated her condition and was diagnosed to have Nephrotic Syndrome. She was prescribed MRI-Concentrated Mineral Drops (MRI-CMD) at a dose of 10 drops 4x a day and to be increased by increments of 5 drops per dose every 5 days until the total dose of 20 drops 4x a day was reached. She was to follow this regiment provided she had a good urine output. She was instructed to have her urine analyzed. She went to the Goa Municipal Infirmary and her urinalysis revealed reddish yellow, turbid urine with many pus cells and red blood cells and albumin spillage of 2+.

    Joyce religiously followed the regimen that was instructed to her. She noticed her condition improve gradually. In three weeks duration, she no longer had edema and her physical state was restored. She submitted herself for follow-up check-up on December 27, 2012. Her blood pressure was normal. Joyce declared that she had clear urine and all the pains and maladies that she experienced before were gone.

    Joyce mother was very grateful that her precious daughter had recovered from that dreadful incident she experienced at the door of her residence.