Mrs. Vernie O. Velasquez, 35 years old, of Pili, Camarines Sur, an elementary school teacher, suffered so much physically after she had neglected her health. Married to a seafarer for eight years, she endured the responsibilities of being a school teacher by day and as parents after school work. Her stressful life began when she delivered her first child through Caesarean Section. Being without a household help, she persevered in performing the tasks at hand.
Making matters worse was that her first child was very sickly. With no previous experience on how to care an infant, she panicked every time her son cried incessantly. Visits to the paediatrician were a regular practice. Despite her confusion, she patiently and diligently did whatever she can to nurture her son especially that her husband was so far away from home. After her maternity leave was over, pressures of school work aggravated her physical and emotional condition. Her life was centered on her routine tasks of home – school – home.
Vernie continued with the lifestyle she thought was best for her until one day, she discovered that her neglected health coped up on her. With three more asthmatic children to care, all delivered through Caesarean Section, she developed migraine headache, blurred vision, severe body pains, scoliosis, toxic goiter, heart problem that was going into failure, and she felt she was ageing fast. It was then that she lost her self-confidence and insecurities slowly plagued her. For this reason, she requested her husband to join the family. She believed that her state of health was affecting her so much that she wanted her children to develop better relationship with their father sooner than before her most dreaded moment came. It was in 2004 when her husband conceded to her request. She was 30 years old then, so desperate and very much depressed.
Came one night when Vernie had a vivid dream. God spoke to her: “You’re too young and so blessed. I ask you to become my apostolate in a product of My creation.” She did not precisely know what the dream meant to her until in July, 2004, she was introduced to MRI-CMD while travelling in a bus heading home to Pili from her hometown in Davao Oriental. First, she tested MRI-CMD only on herself by taking 10 drops thrice a day. She immediately noticed amazing changes in her. She then took the God-given task obediently by filing for a leave of absence from school for two years and worked hard to promote MRI-CMD. By November of 2004, she became the Naga City MRI-CMD Stockist.
MRI-CMD had completely restored her life. She got back to her usual simple lifestyle but she appeared much revitalized. She looked and felt so much younger. All her ailments disappeared. Her vision restored to normal that she is now without corrective lenses. She focused her life to where God led her to go to accomplish her mission and this restored her positive outlook in life and buried all her worries and fears of an untimely death. Foremost, MRI-CMD further increased her faith and relationships with God. She went further on promoting MRI-CMD in 2008 with the publication of real testimonials in the weekly newspaper in her locality, the Bicol Mail, and anchoring her radio program, MRI-CMD:Ok Na Dok! aired on Saturdays at 4:00 PM over DZOK 97.5 FM and PBN TV5 in Naga City.